The JHB Kashrut Department wishes to advise the public of the following:

The following products manufactured by “Bulmers (Pty) Ltd” are no longer under our supervision even if bearing the Beth Din Logo; existing stocks already purchased may be used:

  • Nordic Ice (spirit cooler)
  • Zolensky Ice (spirit Cooler)
  • Siberian Ice (Spirit Cooler)
  • Strongbow (cider)
  • Scrumpy Jack (cider)
  • Crossbow (cider)
  • Hardy’s (cider)

* Please amend page 41 in your Kosher guide

Whilst the Bakery, Butchery, Deli and Fish Counter are under the supervision of the Beth Din, the general commodity store is no longer under Beth Din supervision. Please check individual commodities for Hechsherim.

“Woolworths Cauliflower, Buttnernut and Courgettes Stir Fry Mix” erroneously bears the Beth Din Logo and is not under supervision. Corrective action is being taken.
