The Kashrut Department wish to advise of the following: NOLA MAGNIFIQUE MAYONNAISE: DREAM BEVERAGE PRODUCTS: The following cocktail mixes manufactured by ‘Dreams Beverages†are erroneously marked “PAREV†and are in fact “MILCHIKâ€. The manufacturer has apologised for the error and will correct future packaging.
BREAD: The Johannesburg Kashrut department wish to remind the public of the ruling instituted by the Beth Din, as of January 2005, that all bread from Johannesburg Beth Din supervised bakeries is hamotzi, Rolls, bagels and French loaves may be mezonot, according to the clear markings set up at the bakery. FLOYD’S PASTA AND SAUCE: Floyd’s Pasta and Sauce “Creamy Macon and Cheese Flavour” and “Creamy Vegetable & Parmesan Flavour†are erroneously marked Parev and are in fact milchik. Floyds have apologised for the error. Vessels used for their cooking need to be koshered. |