Dear Friends,

Over the years, our kashrut email list has B”H grown considerably, and has become an invaluable tool in desseminating important kashrut information to our community.

The list has become so large, that it is now necessary to clean it up and remove old and osolete email addresses.

In order to continue to receive email kashrut updates, alerts and announcements, you will need to re-subscribe, even if you are currently subscribed.

To subscribe to receive free and regular kashrut updates, alerts and annoucements – send a blank email to , with the word “subscribe” in the subject line.

You can also visit our online kashrut guide at , which is updated daily – and search for local and imported products, as well as view previous kashrut announcements. While you are there, check out “UOS Audio” with a range of interesting lectures and shiurim on various kashrut topics, available for download on MP3.

Thank you for your support.
