Pesach Bulletin # 1 as well as other Pesach Information is available on our website.

  • SALLY WILLIAMS have printed special Kosher for Pesach wrappers for their Pesach Nougat. However, their stocks of these labels were depleted and the balance have been wrapped in normal wrappers. These products are still Kosher for Pesach when the box in which they are sold bears a Beth Din Pesach sticker on the outside. Individual nougats should not be purchased for Pesach.

  • SALLY WILLIAMS Kosher for Pesach Nougat does NOT contain corn oil as stated on the packaging, but a Kosher for Pesach substitute.

  • COOK ‘n BAKE Original bearing a 2007 Passover label is produced with Canola oil and NOT Soya as written in the ingredients on the tin. Please see page 28 of the 2007 Passover guide.

  • CARDIN Margarine is produced with Canola Oil and NOT Sunflower oil as stated on the packaging. Please see page 30 of the 2007 Passover guide.

  • The number for Rabbi Baumgarten for halachic queries is 082 820 3032.

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