Summary of Alerts and Notices since January

Marmite has produced a new product called “Marmite Cheese” which is NOT kosher. Marmite (original) is unaffected and remains kosher, parev and Mehadrin.

Samoosas manufactured by “Food Delight” bearing the Beth Din Logo are being sold in various outlets, particulary Spar. These products are NOT kosher – the logo has been forged. Legal action is being taken against the company.

Woolworths chicken stock granules has been reformulated and is no longer kosher. The reformulated product has the Beth Din Logo covered with a sticker. The old stock bearing the Beth Din logo is kosher. Product having dehydrated chicken as an ingredient is of course NOT kosher.

Pyotts Kips Spring Onion is no longer kosher

Pyotts Salticrax (all flavours) has been reformulated with “milk solids” and is no longer kosher. This ingredient will appear on the ingredient panel. Stock already purchased which does not mention “milk solids” on the ingredient panel remains kosher, parev.

Pyotts Cream Crackers and Baumanns Cream Crackers have been re-formulated and are to be regarded as MILCHIK with immediate effect, including existing stock.

Lancewood fat free chunky and fat free smooth cottage cheese with “use-by” dates up to and including 05/07/08 must be regarded as non-kosher. Products with “use-by” date from 06/07/08 are kosher. This applies throughout SA

Beacon Rose and Lemon Turkish Delight has been reformulated and is no longer kosher, even when bearing the Beth Din logo. Beacon have removed the Beth Din logo from future reprints, and have apologised for the confusion.

Clover Manhattan Ice Tea has a milchik label, the product is parev. Clover apologise for the error and will rectify it immediately.

Milky Lane

in Balfour Park has changed its name to “Munchies”.

Eitan Vaal vegetables are once again certified insect free – only after rinsing thoroughly. No further checking or cleaning is necessary. 

“Snofreez” flavoured slush and candy floss is being sold at the Johannesburg and Pretoria Zoos, Adventure Golf in Randburg and other entertainment venues, with a sign reading “made from kosher ingredients”. We have no knowledge of this product or its ingredients and it should be regarded as not kosher.

Some boxes of Natures Source Lite ‘n Crispy Baked Low Fat Cereal have erroneously been marked with a parev logo. This product is milchik. Natures Source has apologized for the oversight and is recalling all stock.

Real Juice, Real Fruit Tea and Quali Juice, manufactured by The Real Juice Company have all been reformulated and will in future contain non kosher ingredients. The Beth Din logo has been removed from the new non-kosher product. Existing products which are still kosher continue to display the BethDin logo. Please check labels carefully.

“Sipahh” flavoured straws are kosher, parev and mehadrin, certified by the OU and approved by the Johannesburg Beth Din, with or without the OU logo on the packaging. Approved flavours: Banana, Caramel, Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Cookies & Cream, Honeycomb, Strawberry, and Vanilla.

Wilsons XXX mint and musk are now kosher, parev and mehadrin, with or without a Beth Din logo on the label.

“Frys Veg Express Cottage Pie”, while Kosher, is to be regarded as not Mehadrin.

All canned potatoes (as well as the potatoes in mixed vegetables), while Kosher, are to be regarded as not Mehadrin

“911 Energy Drink” and “Go Girl Energy Drink” are no longer certified kosher. Existing stock, even with the Beth Din logo, should not be used. The logo will be removed from future packaging.

The London Beth Din advise that Chivas Brothers Lochan Ora Liqueur is no longer kosher.

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