Pesach Bulletin #1

18 March 2009 / 22 Adar 5769

In the days and weeks leading up to Pesach, many supermarkets have dedicated special sections and shelves for Pesach products, both local and imported. The Beth Din does not have any control over the stocking of supermarket shelves, and as such, we cannot guarantee that all items on these shelves are in fact kosher for Pesach. Consumers are advised to check each and every item to ensure that it has a reliable hechsher for Pesach.

Also please be careful when purchasing Israeli imported products, as many of these are kosher for Pesach, but only for those who eat kitniyot. This will be specified on the label, either in Hebrew, English, or both.

Products imported from the USA with the hechsher of the Orthodox Union, and the Star-K, will have either the “OU” (a circle with a “U” inside), or a Star with a “K” inside, printed on the label. The letter “P” next to the symbol will indicate that the product is kosher for Pesach, and not that it is “parev”.

Mosmarks and Rakusens (shmura and ordinary) matzah have both been produced under supervision of the Johannesburg Beth Din. Mosmarks is available at Checkers and Spar stores and Rakusens is available at Pick ‘n Pay stores.

In cases of doubt or if you have any queries whatsoever, please contact our Kashrut Division on:

Johannesburg – 011 485 4865
Cape Town – 021 461 6310
Email JHB:
Email CT:
