Dairybelle Long Life Milk – Chalav Yisrael

A number of Dairybelle six-packs of one liter long life milk cartons contain an unapproved ORANGE sticker bearing the Beth Din logo with the words “Chalav Yisrael”. This product is kosher, but is NOT Chalav Yisrael.

Only Dairybelle six-packs bearing the official Beth Din Chalav Yisrael sticker are Chalav Yisrael.

The official sticker is square, 25mm x 25mm and has a purple Beth Din logo in the center, with the wording “DAIRYBELL LONG LIFE MILK CHALAV YISRAEL” above. The words “kosher l’Pesach” appear in Hebrew, and “Kosher for Passover” in English.

At the bottom of the sticker is the date 2009-5769 and below that is a unique control number.

Individual packs which cannot be identified as having come from an approved six-pack should be regarded as not Chalav Yisrael.
