Spar Ice Cream / Bakers Boudoir Biscuits / Nestle dairymaid

The following Spar brand products are no longer kosher:

Spar Ice Cream in a Tub: Fruit of the Forrest and Mint Vanilla

(Please update page 93 of your Beth Din Kosher Guide 2010 / 5770-71)

To clarify:
All Bakers Biscuits products that are kosher certified by the Beth Din are milchik with the exception of the following which are parev: Boudoir Cappucinno; Boudoir Original; Boudoir Strawberry.

Nestle Dairymaid Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream currently bears a BD Diamond logo without a classification. This product is kosher certified and is MILCHIK. Nestle have acknowledged the error and new packaging will bear the word “Milchik” below the BD diamond logo.

All Nestle Dairymaid Ice Lollies which have the BD Diamond logo, but no classification listed are kosher certified and are PAREV.

If in doubt, please call the Kashrut Department.
