Commission of Enquiry – Update

The Independent Commission of Enquiry into the price of kosher chicken is well underway. The appointed investigators, Mike Kingston and Mike Peper, have conducted an in-depth review of the wholesale price of chicken. This review is ongoing, and in addition they are currently engaged in investigating the retail price. The process has taken longer than expected. The two experts, who are busy consultants with many other clients, have to commute from Cape Town, in order to conduct their investigations in Johannesburg. Furthermore, the complexity and number of issues that need investigation are such that they demand in depth and detailed research so that the community can be presented with the quality of findings that they are entitled to. We are doing everything in our power to expedite matters, and will report back to the community when the enquiry is completed. Following an investigation into chicken prices, we will commission an investigation into meat prices. We appreciate the patience shown by the community to date.
