Mashgichim – Pesach and Substitute

Pesach Mashgichim

The Kashrut Dept. of the Beth Din needs Mashgichim to supervise the production of products for Pesach at area factories.

Candidates must be responsible, Shomer Shabbos, Shomer Torah u’Mitzvot, from age 18 and upwards, and have their own means of transport.

For more information and to receive an application, please contact Adele Joffe, Pesach Coordinator: 010 214 2600 or


Substitute Mashgichim

The Kashrut Dept. also regularly needs Mashgichim to fill in at our area establishments (i.e., restaurants, bakeries, butcheries, delis, caterers, etc.) – especially during December and January when many full-time Mashgichim take their annual leave!

In addition to the above stated requirements, candidates must have a basic knowledge of Jewish law, sit for an interview, attend a training course, and pass an examination/apprenticeship.

For more information and to receive an application, please contact Hayley Kaplan, Kashrut PA: 010 214 2600 or
