Pesach Bulletin #2 (Jaffa Gold and Primor Juice)

25 March 2011 / 19 Adar II 5771

We have been advised by the Orthodox Union of America (OU) that Jaffa Gold and Primor Fruit Juices, imported from Israel, bear an unauthorised “OU-P” sticker.

Some Primor fruit juices contain the words “Kosher l’Pesach” in Hebrew on the barcode sticker. These are also not approved.

While these products are kosher for year round use (under a different reliable hechsher), they have not been approved for Pesach. 

It is important for the consumer to check each and every product purchased for Pesach, even when found in the “Pesach Section” of the supermarket.

The Beth Din does not control the purchases of the retailers and placement of Pesach products in the supermarkets, and it remains the responsibility of the consumer to ensure that any items purchased carry a valid Pesach hechsher (e.g. each and every soup cube).

Some imported products contain the words “Kosher l’Pesach” in Hebrew or English, printed on either the label or price sticker. In the absence of a recognisable and reliable hechsher on the same label or sticker, this wording alone should not be relied upon.

Please also note that many imported products, especially from Israel, carry a valid Pesach hechsher but contain “kitniyot”. The custom among Ashkenazi Jews is not to consume kitniyot on Pesach. 

You can now download your sale of chametz forms or sell your chametz online, via the UOS website.

You will also be able to see previous Pesach related alerts and bulletins.

We will soon have the Pesach Guide available on the website as well as:

  • Cooking on Shabbat & Yom Tov / Candle Lighting
  • Information on Chametz, Kitniyot, Bedikat Chametz, Burning Chametz, etc.
  • Kashering Instructions and Practical Applications
  • Pet Food List
  • Product List and Cosmetic / Toiletries / Medicines List
  • Seder Requirements / Sefirah Laws
  • Zmanim (times / dates)

Please check back regularly 

Any product queries may be addressed to the Kashrut Department, or via our website.
