As mentioned previously, there are some errors in the times for some cities, as well as on the Sefirat Ha’Omer calendar published in the Pesach Guide. We apologise for this oversight. Click the following hyperlinks for the updated details: 


Montic Chalav Yisrael milk is kosher for Pesach with or without a specific Pesach sticker.

Plain Rooibos tea is kosher for Pesach without a Pesach sticker.

Quinoa is acceptable for Pesach. However, since it is not packed under supervision, there is a possibility that other grains may be mixed in. It is therefore recommended to purchase quinoa before Pesach and to carefully check for other grains which should then be removed.

The following SAD and Wellingtons dried Fruits are kosher for Pesach without a Pesach sticker: Apple Rings, Apricots (not Turkish Apricots), Peaches, Pears, Prunes, Raisins.

All Lancewood white cheeses marked kosher for Passover are Chalav Yisrael, although not marked as such.

The following Clover butters are kosher for Pesach in the following brands. They do not have a Pesach sticker and are not Chalav Yisrael:

  • Mooiriver – salted butter
  • Springbok – unsalted butter

Coca Cola and Diet Coke cans are being imported from Israel. They are available in packs of 24 from various Pick n Pay, Checkers and Spar stores.

Genadendal Frozen oven baked chips are kosher for Passover when bearing the words “Passover” and a date stamp “05/03/2013” ink jetted into the packaging.


The offices of the UOS will be closed during Pesach. For any questions during Chol Ha’Moed, please use one of the following:

Cell Phone 072 703 5680 (update on number listed in guide)
Facebook Kashrut SA
Twitter @UOSofSA #workingforyou
Email kashrutnotice@uos.co.za

The general number for the UOS during office hours is 010 214 2600
