From BD_CHALAV googlegroup: Kosher Consumer Organisation Survey

Good day Chalav Yisroel Community,

The Kosher Consumer Organisation (KCO) is an independent body, which serves to empower and mobilise the kosher consumer. We are currently gathering consumer information on behalf of the KCO with regards to Chalav Yisroel Milk and related products.

We would like to know which milk product the community prefers and why.

We would also like to know roughly the amount of product the Chalav Yisroel consumer uses per week and any other issues the consumer wishes to raise.

We are aware of the current frustrations regarding supply and distribution and are grateful to the UOS for their efforts in this regard.

Emails can be sent via reply to this email at

Armed with this information, we will then be in a position to approach the manufacturers and retailers in an effort to ensure that consumer needs are met.

We look forward to your input.

Kind regards

Devorah Nates

President – KCO
