This year, the seventh day of Pesach falls on Friday.

Generally speaking, we are prohibited to prepare foods from one day of Yom Tov for the following day, even if the following day is Shabbat. However, with an Eruv Tavshilin this is permissible.

It is the function of the Eruv Tavshilin to indicate that the preparation for Shabbat actually began before Yom Tov commenced. Food is set aside before the Holy Day begins (in this case, Thursday afternoon) and is then eaten on Shabbat. The preparation that we do on Yom Tov (Friday) is then simply a continuation of what we began before Yom Tov.

The ritual of Eruv Tavshilin is found in most siddurim. It is simple and is performed as follows:

On Erev Yom Tov (Thursday afternoon), before Yom Tov begins, take a matzah with a cooked food (such as an egg, a piece of chicken, or fish etc) and set it aside to be eaten on Shabbat. While holding both foods, recite the Bracha:

Baruch atah ado-nai, elohei-nu melech ha’olam, asher kideshanu bemitzvotav ve’tzivanu al mitzvat eiruv.

(Blessed are You L-rd our G-d King of the universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us with the mitzvah of eiruv.)

We then recite the following Aramaic declaration:

“Bahadayn eiruva yehay shara lanah la’afooyay ul’vashoolay ul’atmoonay ul’aglukei sheragah ul’takana ul’me’bad kol tzarchanah, miyomah tavah leshabatah”

It is important to understand what you are saying, so if the Aramaic is not understood, the following English translation is also recited:

“With this Eruv, it will be permitted for us to bake, cook, insulate, kindle flame, and do all that is necessary on Yom Tov for Shabbat.”


For those that have coins that they have redeemed maaser sheini (second tithe) and Re’vaai (fourth year produce), they are hereby reminded to destroy the coin before Yom Tov. This is not applicable to those that rely on the communal coin.
