Pesach Update

Dear Community Member

PNP Kashering Service

Pick n Pay Norwood is proud to provide a Kashering facility for your convenience for Pesach. Beth Din representatives will be on hand to kasher your eligible pots, pans, crockery and cutlery for use on Pesach.

Dates are as follows:
Friday 12 April – Thursday 18 April from 10:00 to 17:00 (except Sunday 14 April which will be 10:00 – 15:30).

Please note all items that need to be kashered must be cleaned thoroughly and must have no contact with food 24 hours prior to kashering.

Passover D’lite Margarine

D’lite margarine with the Pesach sticker which includes the word parev is indeed parev even though the original packaging says milchik.

The reason for this is since the relatively small run did not warrant special tubs being printed, the standard D’Lite tubs with milchik printed on them had to be used.

In general, the Pesach sticker overrides any other information on the packaging including ingredient information and allergen statements.

Baking Paper

Baking paper, locally manufactured by Sylko and Twinsaver are fine to use with our regular BD logo and Supa-Mama even without the BD logo. However, imported baking paper requires a reliable Pesach Hechsher.

Sparkling Water

Aquazania sparkling water is acceptable for Pesach with or without a BD logo. SodaStream gas cylinders are acceptable to use for Pesach with or without a BD logo.

Kind Regards

Rabbi Dovi Goldstein
MD Kosher
