Unauthorised use of our Trademark


Dear Community member,

It has come to our attention that Orama Wellness Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen bears the unauthorised use of our trademark. We take matters such as this very seriously and are currently dealing with the company’s management to understand how this happened and to quickly resolve it.

Unfortunately errors like the one highlighted above do occur from time to time all around the world. Manufacturers are constantly developing new products or packaging and due to honest mistakes and tight deadlines they occasionally print their labels before checking with us. When we are made aware of such errors, we work with the manufacturers to address the error and we notify the community immediately. If there is wilful abuse of our BD Kosher logo (which happens very rarely), further legal action is taken.

We would also like to use this opportunity to inform the community that we currently do not approve any bovine collagen products in South Africa.

Kind regards,
The Kosher SA Team
